都會定向會八月訓練賽: 短途淘汰賽 Knockout Sprint

2017/08/12 (六 Sat)
都會定向會八月訓練賽: 短途淘汰賽 @ 添馬公園 (金鐘)
MetOC August Training Race: Knockout Sprint @ Tamar Park (Admiralty)

Brief event report (Chinese only)

Results and splits of all stages

Course maps of all stages

短途淘汰賽將於2020年第一屆短途世界定向錦標賽起成為第三個短途項目 (現有的兩個是個人短途賽和男女混合短途接力賽)。現時有兩種可能之格式。其一乃北歐定向巡迴賽之格式,準決賽和決賽為集體出發形式。其二乃準決賽和決賽均以前一級的成績決定追逐次序出發。新項目將為賽員、現場觀眾和電視觀眾帶來公平和刺激的短途賽體驗。

都會定向會現舉行淘汰賽訓練賽,讓大家體驗這一刺激的比賽形式! 本訓練將以前述北歐格式進行,最多三十名賽員進入準決賽,最多六名賽員進入決賽。

日期: 2017年8月12日 (星期六)
時間: 13:00-18:00
地點: 添馬公園 (金鐘)
組別: 男、女
13:00 登記和熱身
14:00 初賽 (依個人出發時間出發)
15:30 準決賽 (每六人一個準決賽分組)
17:00 決賽 (每個準決賽分組首名出線 + 所有準決賽分組中最快的次名出線,即最多五加一人等於六人出線)
費用: $60
網上登記截止日期: 2017年8月6日 (星期日)

第一名: Metvigator或17 Going on 18 免費參賽名額乙個
第二名及第三名: Metvigator或17 Going on 18 半價優惠名額各乙個

計時系統: SPORTident AIR+ (免觸式)

Currently there are two sprint formats in the World Orienteering Championships: individual sprint, and the mixed-gender sprint relay. As the WOC will split into sprint and middle/long events on alternate years, in 2020 the first Sprint WOC will be held and a third sprint format will be introduced.

This third sprint format will be a knockout sprint with two options which the International Orienteering Federation will choose later this year (2017). The first is the format used in the Nordic Orienteering Tour (NORT) with interval-start qualifications, then MASS START semi-finals and MASS START finals. The second is a chasing start format with interval-start qualifications but with CHASING START semi-finals and CHASING START finals, the start order being determined by the results of the previous stage of the race. The new sprint format will provide a fair and thrilling race for competitors, spectators and TV viewers with an optimal sprint experience.

Therefore in August we will offer a training race on knockout sprint for you who are interested to experience the new format! We will be using the NORT format in this training, with a maximum of 30 participants qualifying for semi-finals and maximum 6 for the finals.

Date: 12 August 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 13:00-18:00
Venue: Tamar Park (Admiralty)
Classes: Male, Female
13:00 Registration and warm-up
14:00 Qualification (interval start according to checklist)(winning time 12 minutes)
15:30 Semi-finals (6 persons per heat)
17:00 Finals (fastest runner per heat plus the fastest second-place runner among all the heats i.e. max 5+1 = 6 persons)
Fee: $60
Pre-registration deadline: 6 August 2017 (Sunday)

Prizes for each class:
1st place: Free entry for either Metvigator or 17 Going on 18
2nd and 3rd places: Half-priced entry for either Metvigator or 17 Going on 18

Timing system: SPORTident AIR+ (touch-free)

